East Kent Catchment Improvement Partnership

The East Kent Catchment Improvement Partnership is a group made up of organisations who work together to manage and improve the catchment area of East Kent. The geographic coverage of the partnership includes the Dour and the Oyster Coast Brooks, neither of which are in the Stour Catchment. The partnership is co-hosted by KSCP – who chair the CIP – and South East Rivers Trust (SERT).

The East Kent CIP brings together partners (co-deliverers) to work collaboratively, applying the catchment based approach to improve the health of surface and ground water bodies.

The aim of the East Kent CIP is to improve the local water environment so that there are multiple benefits for society. These include:

  • Increasing wildlife habitat
  • Water resources (surface and ground water) are safeguarded
  • Reduce flood risk
  • Sustainable farming and water-based economic activity such as tourism
  • Improving and enhancing recreation opportunities (access, fishing, boating)
  • Cleaner bathing beaches and shellfish areas
  • Better chance to adapt to climate change.

The partnership wishes to include local organisations, communities and businesses in the identification of realistic, sustainable solutions, securing funding and carrying out agreed actions. In order to fund the activities the CIP will look for long term self-sustaining funding.

The CIP has produced a Catchment Management Plan which can be downloaded below.

Stour Catchment Management Plan – 2021

East Kent Catchment Improvement Plan Summary Ongoing and Future Projects  2021

East Kent Catchment Improvement Plan Summary Ongoing and Future Projects Feb 2024


Water Framework Directive Classifications in the Stour Catchment 2019



See 2 examples of KSCPs work on rivers:

Seaton River Restoration and Buxford Fish Passage


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