About Us
about us
Hold on to your hats it’s time for some acronyms……
Stour Valley Creative Partnership (SVCP) was formed in 2015 to engage people with the environment through creative activities, and to secure the legacy of previous artistic engagement in King’s Wood*. SVCP deliver, encourage and support new innovative and creative projects taking place in or motivated by the woodland. Partnership members are the Forestry Commission (FC), Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership (KSCP), Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (KDAONB), University for the Creative Arts (UCA) and University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC). Ashford Borough Council (ABC) and Kent County Council (KCC) are supporting partners.
*SVCP were formed following the close of Stour Valley Arts (SVA), which originally came about in 1993 through a partnership of organisations working together, including KSCP, ABC, KCC and FC. SVA eventaully became a trust ,and from 1993 to 2014 it successfuly suppported a range of artistic activities, commissioned works centred around King’s Wood and delivered many educational workshops. In 2009 the Trust moved into offices with a gallery in Ashford. In 2014 due to funding constraints the Board of Trustees decided it had to cease trading.

- SVCP aims to engage a wide audience with art and the magic of King’s Wood. Working with and supporting artists of all kinds, ages and abilities to take part and/or deliver arts projects, events and educational programmes, as well to facilitate new commissions of artwork in King’s Wood and the wider landscape; supporting Kent based artists wherever possible.
- SVCP is working with cultural and other organisations and individuals to make King’s Wood a destination for the arts and a place to visit and enjoy – to encourage a love and understanding of the countryside and nature.
- We are commited to securing the legacy of SVA, by maintaing the sculptures within the woods and archiving other materials to be accessible for study at UCA.
- SVCP will act as an advocate for the arts, based in landscape seeking that it becomes a critical part of the wider arts/culture/ regeneration agenda.
To be kept informed about events, projects and other activities email kentishstour@kent.gov.uk and we will add you to our mailing list.