Riverfly surveys

Join our team of volunteer Riverfly Monitors to complete monthly sampling at survey sites across the Stour catchment.

We can gain an understanding of the health of watercourses by looking at the presence and absence of freshwater invertebrates. The Riverfly Partnership lead surveys which are completed on watercourses across the UK, surveys consist of monthly kick samples (a survey technique to sample organisms on the river bed) and counts of indicator freshwater species such as mayflies and freshwater shrimps. The results of these surveys allow us to check for signs of pollution or other issues our rivers may suffer from such as siltation or reduced oxygen. Data collected is passed on to the Riverfly Partnership and the Environment Agency.

Riverfly monitoring volunteers at work

Volunteer Riverfly Monitors currently survey at sites on the Great Stour, East Stour & Little Stour. We welcome new volunteers to assist with surveys at established sites and also those interested in surveying at new sites. A one-day Riverfly Survey training course is provided to give new monitors background information on Riverfly surveys, identification help with the indicator species and guidance on how to safely complete the kick sample and survey.

For more information or to become a Riverfly monitor in the Stour Catchment please email kentishstour@kent.gov.uk

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