Ashford Green Corridor

map Ashford Green Corridor + walking routes

What is it?

The Ashford Green Corridor is made up of parks, recreation grounds and other green spaces alongside the rivers that flow through Ashford.  They provide a pleasant, relaxing environment for people and valuable habitats and corridors for a surprising range of wildlife species.

The Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership have worked with Ashford Borough Council for many years to ensure that wildlife habitat in the AGC is developed and protected.

Explore the Green Corridor sites

Download a leaflet about the Green Corridor
AGC leaflet

Watch a 12 minute short film about the Green Corridor

How did the Green Corridor come to be?

Ashford has been growing steadily since the early 19th century. As the town has expanded, land close to the rivers has not usually been built on, due to the risk of flooding and because the Borough Council has protected it as green space.

The resulting undeveloped ‘fingers’ of land reach right into the heart of Ashford – together they form the Ashford Green Corridor.

The corridor connects areas, providing both people and wildlife with routes through the town and to the countryside beyond.

More about the Green Corridor

Sites in the Green Corridor

Walking, Cycling and Access



Recreation, Relaxation and Education

Flood protection

Ashford Green Corridor interpretation panels