Kent County Council
Kent County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Kent so consequently carries out the following functions-
- Using Flood Investigation Reports to investigating flooding
- Keeping a register of significant structures and features of rivers such as sluice gates and flood banks and using this information to designate new features when needed
- Regulating ordinary watercourses that do not fall under the IDB drainage districts
- Encouraging sustainable drainage.
- Delivering a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Kent. In this document the sources of local flood risk, items listed above and interactions between the sources and other types of flood risk are addressed.
Kent County Council is also the Highways Authority so is responsible for monitoring drainage of highways.
As the emergency planning authority in Kent, Kent County Council is responsible for preparing a contingency plan which details how emergency responders will respond to flooding, including the preparation of multi-agency flood plans for each district and borough in Kent.