The Great British Spring Clean 2017
Following last years’ successful ” Clean for the Queen” litter clean up, to “Clean up Britain”, another big national litter clean-up Event to clean up Britain was launched on the weekend of March 3 – 5th, 2017.
KSCP staff and volunteers participated in this with 3 separate projects. On the friday , Volunteers joined up in a KSCP organised “Heroes Wanted “ day of litter picks / clean-up on the East and Great Stour in the Ashford International Station area. A further task was organized in the Westgate Parks , Canterbury, and here despite this being “parkland green space” , litter included shopping trolleys, bicycles and car wheels. Finally on the Monday, KSCP joined forces with KCC volunteers to tackle the litter in the Henwood Industrial Estate. Over 60 bags of refuse was collected here, further highlighting this national problem of an inability to dispose of largely take-away litter responsibly.