Victoria Park Nature Trail

Over 87 families enjoyed Victoria Park, and Watercress Fields, Ashford doing the KSCP Nature’s Treasure Trail. With maps and instructions in hand everyone worked their way round the park to find out loads of interesting facts about #wildlife habitat and species that are found in the park, answered clues and did small tasks. Then they got creative with the things they collected and their last treasure, a free wee arts pack.

See our Facebook artiucle for some pics of the day and wonderful collages that were made. Thank you to all the people that sent in their photos! Thanks too, to the Coffee Hut who kept an eye on the packs being picked up!

If you did the trail and haven’t sent your pics in, then we would love to see them. Send by Instagram or Email. Don’t forget to tag both #kentishstour and #VictoriaParkAshford !


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