Canterbury in Bloom gets gold!
At the 2017 Royal Horticultural Society Britain in Bloom Awards in Llandudno recently, Canterbury was awarded Gold, the highest standard, in the Small City category. Bob Jones (Canterbury Connected /Business Improvement District CEO) , was also presented with a RHS Community Champion Award.
This is the second year running that Canterbury has been awarded Gold by the RHS Britain in Bloom judges. This is a fantastic achievement from the Canterbury in Bloom partnership and the Judges’ Report’s opening line was:
“All those involved in the Bloom Campaign at Canterbury ably demonstrate that success is all about partnership working.”
This is at the heart of how the city has gone from no entries in any Bloom category in 2011 to multiple entries from groups across the city each year and, in the Small City category, winning Gold in Britain in Bloom in 2016 and 2017 as well as Gold in the regional South & South East in Bloom campaign in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
In addition ,this year, the BID commissioned a video of the work St Peters Methodist Primary do on all things ‘bloom’.
The Canterbury Volunteers created the Solly’s Orchard pictured)wildflower beds. Recent weeding and tidying them,should hopefully see them looking even better!