‘Big Team’ in action at Willesborough Dykes
Willesborough Dykes is an area of open floodplain grazing land between Park Farm and Ashford Town. A cycle route, bordered by wild flowers sweeps through the site.
Every year, in late summer, the Ashford conservation volunteers work very hard to cut the flowering meadow and remove the material to compost.
This year, KSCP volunteers welcomed a team effort, as Ashford Borough Council landscape team, Aspire, helped with the work. Our thanks go to Paul, Simon and Adrian for sticking with us for the day!
Meadow flowers flourish in soils that are low in fertility. That is why it is important to remove the cut vegetation and lower the amount of nutrients being fed back into the soil as the old plants break down.
The UK has lost over 97% of traditional meadows. This directly impacts insect abundance and the subsequent survival rates of predators such as bank voles, bats and birds.
It is very important that we look for opportunities to re-create these wild spaces for nature through the towns and villages we live in.
If you, or your local community would like help or advice to create or manage beautiful wild spaces for nature and people, please get in touch. kentishstour@kent.gov.uk